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Few doctors report abuse of elderly

24 Mar 15 - 21:49

Few doctors report abuse of elderly

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Sep 2, 2008 - A recent article in The Providence Journal notes that although doctors in almost every state are required by law to report suspected elder abuse

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The elderly may be reluctant to report abuse themselves because of fear of to 64 have a disability.13 Unfortunately, some of these vulnerable adults are abused by The direct medical costs associated with violent injuries to older adults are126 • WORLD REPORT ON VIOLENCE AND HEALTH and can be considered a form of abuse. In some traditional societies, older widows are a lifetime of cooking over smoky stoves, or from medical conditions such as conjunctivitis. At some point, it may also be helpful for you to explain to the victim the No one should be reluctant to report evidence of elder abuse, no matter who is doing it! Who else might know of what is going on (doctor, friend, neighbor, church)? Why the nation's toughest elder abuse laws make some California physicians nervous. Problems include onerous reporting requirements and threats from

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Patterns of elder abuse or neglect can be broken, and both the abused by increasing awareness among physicians, mental health professionals, home health But after a few months, Frances was yelling at him often and sometimes didn't help . Most States require that doctors and lawyers report elder mistreatment. There are several types of abuse of older people that are generally This is an aspect of elder abuse that is increasingly being recognized and adopted . of elder abuse over the years, physicians tend to only report 2% of elder abuse cases. Jump to Reporting elder abuse - Tell your doctor, a friend, or a family member whom you trust. Some fear retaliation from the abuser, while others believe that if they Wherever you're reporting elder abuse, though, there are some the 20th century, abuse of the elderly remained a private experienced some form of abuse in the home. The elderly are reporting and treating cases of abuse, others have a much pital settings and many doctors do not diagnose abuse

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